Greeting Angels…

Hello, how was you day? I hope wonderful?

It’s been three full days of sitting in front of this computer trying to get everything together for the big 10/10/10 launch.

Why this date? Well, it’s also the day Common Dreams is launching it’s campaign for Global Climate Change Awareness. I found this video from Bill McKibben, an American environmentalist and writer who frequently writes about global warming and alternative energy  and advocates for more localized economies. In 2010 the Boston Globe called him “probably the nation’s leading environmentalist” and Time magazine described him as “the world’s best green journalist.

Why this attention on Global Climate Change on a healing website? I would think it’s obvious. But I am not here to preach! I just know when there’s many people focusing their attention in one place it’s a mighty powerful thing. So launching The Angel Frequency on this day, is my small way to focus my attention (and intention) on Healing this day. We are a planet in transition. As 2012 approaches, and we become more entwined as a family on this planet, we need to embrace that the old ways do not work, and shift to this new paradigm. All over the planet their are light workers, Angel Healers, Energy Healers, Environmentalist, New Thought and New Science leaders, Scientist, Artist, Musicians, Evolutionary Leaders, and people just like you and me, aware that “something is happening”!

It’s already so nice to see some of you here with me. WOW! Your comments have really touched my heart and inspired me! So many exciting things are coming up! It is definitely not all doom and gloom!  After all, I like this quote I saw today- “True love knows no happy endings, because true love never ends!”

We are love. That’s what a “human being” is. Energy. We call this Energy LOVE. That’s why all of us crave it, need it and probably couldn’t survive well without it. Or get sick. And that’s a huge part of what Energy Healing is about. Reconnecting you with what you really are. Because it’s only your thoughts that are limiting. But YOU, are LIMITLESS!

So excited to be on this journey!

Next week, I am heading down to Costa Mesa to check out David Wolfe’s Longevity Now Conference. It will take place at the Orange County Hilton in Costa Mesa, CA.  Hosting an array of speakers that include of course David Wolfe and Dr. Mercola, John Robbins, Daniel Vitalis, Donna Gates, Nick Ortner, Kevin Gianni, Jim Kwik, and more! I am really excited and looking forward to meeting and interviewing David for you guys!

More to come tomorrow ANGELS!

I am sending you LOVE!

All love and eternal gratitude-


3 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Charlotte Holley
    Sep 16, 2010 @ 02:54:41

    Just stopping by to wish you teh best on your new venture!


      Sep 16, 2010 @ 04:52:41

      Hi Charlotte, how are you doing? Thanks so much for stopping by!! It’s great to have you here! Welcome to the new site!! I hope you will continue on the journey with me! You are an angel!
      All love and eternal gratitude!


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I left The Healers Way and came here to continue the journey where that left off! :)
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