Greetings Angels,

Here is the first chapter to the book. Remember, the last recording was just the intro. I am so excited to be sharing this with you as we now begin to dive into what this is all about. There are not too many books written by a true Maori healing legend like Papa Joe. Their knowledge was passed down and shared generation to generation. If you don’t know much about the Maori’s, one of the most interesting facts is the reason for the tribal tattoos. This is how their knowledge and genealogy was passed down. The markings share their lineage and is considered sacred.

It wasn’t easily shared to the outside world and truly someone like Papa Joe was the first to make it his mission to get this information out to a wider audience. Especially to the Western world.
This information was passed onto Iris from Papa Joe, to share with the world. This ancient wisdom is so important that if you are reading this, then it was probably meant for you.
The book will speak for itself. I’ve read it already twice. I love its message so much, that it’s almost for selfish reasons that I am recording it for you. So I can absorb it again!
Last time I said I would be happy to email you the written if you preferred. And again I am happy to do this! But please, what would really help me out a lot is if you wouldn’t mind, getting some of the friends/angels in your life, who you think would like our community, to sign up. One great way to do this is to re-post this on your Facebook or Twitter.
I’ve got a lot of big plans for us next year, but I do need your help please. Unlike The Healer’s Way where I had a parent company helping, I am doing this all by myself. And as you can see, I don’t have any sponsors or advertisers. I’ll be honest with you, I have some pretty great people looking to help us next year. I believe there is a true purpose for us being here together.
I think a big part of this mission, is the message in this book! Hence why I am sharing it with you. As we grow this tribe, I believe there will be a lot more love in this world and a lot less fear. This is the kind of “healing” that is necessary now for our world. And of course, all the great work so many of you are doing too!
It is a time like no other. We have more information at our disposal then ever a time in history. A time where we truly can connect and now know, there’s almost someone in every country that is part of The Angel Tribe! It’s an exciting time, and I am so thrilled to be on this journey with you.
Enjoy this next chapter and please remember if you want to get your own copy of the book, all you have to do is click this link.

Returning To The Void Chapter 1
All love and eternal gratitude-

PS The recording is only about 10 minutes long.:)

Maori Healers Part 2

Greetings Friends and Angels,

I want to continue where I left off on the Maori. It is so relevant to what is happening today on the planet. Anaru, the Maori with the beautiful Tribal markings was trying to impress upon me the importance of Genealogy and how it related to their work. That in the Maori healing traditions, the real seed or root of some problems could be traced back to our ancestry. Most indigenous people of the planet hold their ancestors in high regard. The keepers of wisdom, passed down from generation to generation. The Maori pride themselves on holding onto these traditions and that’s why the tribal markings are so significant. They tell their story, their lineage and the way of the cosmos. Knowing your genealogy is a way of knowing “who you are”.

There use to be a time when a woman growing herbs in her garden would be called a witch, and would be burned at the stake. Suppose this was one of your ancestors? It wouldn’t be surprising that you might feel some kind of fear or apprehension towards anything metaphysical. Just to give an example of what might happen with energy that gets stuck. When Anaru told me about the importance of the genealogy I was slightly reticent. I worried focusing on ones own genealogy might bring us to focusing more on the “me” rather then the “we”. But at the root of everything is the “all” and this is the map that leads us there. If you are doing everything in your power to heal yourself, and nothing is working? Well it might just be, your aren’t clearing stuck energy from the past.

The beauty of the Maori Healing is to clear stuck energy, whether from this life, past ones or generations before you.

Stay tuned for Part 3 Yep, there’s more! 🙂

All love and eternal gratitude-

I left The Healers Way and came here to continue the journey where that left off! :)
Information, research, interviews, webinars, teleseminars, and adventures with some of the worlds top healers, experts in health, nutrition rehab, wellness, higher consciousness development, holism, quantum physics, and energy healing!
Welcome to the journey!
