If I could grant you 3 wishes…

Greetings Angels,

I’m sitting here trying to schedule all the great stuff coming up here. I’ve been getting some wonderful feedback from some of you, thanks! But I sure would love to hear more!

I get to see the stats here on wordpress, and it’s been pretty awesome to see people from all over the world tuning in. I was stunned to see people from Pakistan, Dubai, Thailand, Saudi Arabia and Korea! I’d really like to thank you for being here and wish you a very warm welcome, as I know this kind of information probably isn’t readily available in your countries.

And of course, I’d love to give a virtual hug to everyone else tuning in. From the Netherlands to Iceland, Canada and Mexico, South America, Australia, New Zealand, Europe and the USA, you’ve all really touched my soul that you are here with me!
So, what I would love to ask you, if I could grant you 3 wishes, what would it be? OK nope, I am not going to be able to give you fabulous riches, world peace, or manifest the love of your life. 🙂 LOL
But what I’d like to do is know in regards to The Angel Frequency, what’s most important to YOU?

!. Nutrition Rehab– healthy food, weight management, optimum nutrition and longevity, energy

2. Higher Consciousness Development – Meditation, Yoga, Brain Exercises, Conscious living

3. Energy Healing– Everything from telepathy, EFT, Reiki, Qi Gong, etc…

and would you like more videos, music, interviews?

In other words, how can I best serve you?

So please feel free to chime in, drop in and tell me what you’re thinking?

I am here, I am listening…and if you have any questions, please feel free to ask me anything.

Here’s what I’m listening to this evening…

03 Somebody That I Used to Know (feat. Kimbra)

All love and eternal gratitude-

Free 3 day Green Smoothie Challenge- Join me?

Greetings Angels,
Well, I just got this in from my good friend Tera Warner and I am so thrilled.
I wanted to share with you what she wrote, because you can tell, it’s from the heart!

From Tera Warner-

.We have coming up another round of our much-loved,
very successful, 21-Day Green Smoothie Detox.

I COULD send you a bunch of emails to
promote and talk about the pain of a toxic body
and how you can make it all better IF you sign up
for our upcoming 21-Day Green Smoothie Detox.

But if I do that…

…then there will be a woman, or a man, who
gets that email, is feeling terrible in his or her
skin who cannot afford that detox.

And they will cave in feeling stopped and more
hopeless than before my email arrived.

So let’s consider another model…

…let’s say that I invited you to invite the members of your
community, to jump on board a totally free, 3-day
green smoothie challenge and in the name of spring,
of more energy, of better health and concentration, I
invited them to raise a green glass with me and do
their best to chug a whole lot of chlorophyll for 3 days.


I’d give them all the recipes.

I’d give them a great, little planner, inspirational
emails and all the support they need to COMPLETELY
transform their health and energy in just three days
using common fruits and vegetables!

THEN, if they liked it, if they wanted more, they could
come on board the 21-Day Green Smoothie Detox and
take it further with us.

And if they can’t or it’s not right, well, they’ve
just learned everything they need to know to transform
their lives ALL ON THEIR OWN!

So everyone wins.

Love and abundance,


So without further ado, care to join me on a 3 day green smoothie challenge?


To your best health!
All love and eternal gratitude-

URGENT- This just in…

Greetings Angels,
I just heard back from my good friend Yuri and had to share this with you! 🙂
Yuri has given me permission to blast this one last time and the link works! I am so sorry to those of you who had trouble!
So, here it is one last time!

Just click here 🙂

Have a great weekend my lovely Angels!
To your best health ever!
All love and eternal gratitude-

Bad News about the Total Wellness Cleanse (wink wink)

Hi Angels,

If you’ve been following my emails this week
you’ll know that I’ve been recommending the Total
Wellness Cleanse to help you lose at least 10 lbs
of body fat, have “all-day” energy, look 10 years
younger, and rid your body of harmful toxins.

Well I’ve got some bad news…

In just a few hours, your $100 discount on the
Total Wellness Cleanse will be gone forever.

But there is a light at the end of the tunnel

Yuri and I really want you to make this your
healthiest and best year ever…

And that’s why you if you still haven’t picked up
your discounted copy of the cleansing program you
can NOW try for just $5.

You got it…

You get to test out the entire first 14 days for
just $5. If you don’t look and feel substantially
better, then you won’t pay another cent!

Is that fair?

Start the cleanse for just $5

absolute last chance!

Starting tomorrow, the Total Wellness Cleanse
will be back to full price.

What makes more sense…

$5 vs. full price??

Seems pretty obvious to me.

Here’s to your healthiest 2012 ever!

Start the cleanse for just $5 absolute last chance!

P.S. This special $100 discount AND $5 trial both
end at midnight tonight.

P.P.S. This is your chance to finally lose at
least 10 lbs of body fat, have all day energy,
look 10 years younger, and rid your body of
harmful toxins.

P.P.P.S. Just imagine yourself one year from
today…. How do you look? How do you feel? Can
you really afford to go another year living life
below your own standards?

Make 2012 YOUR year for just $5


This is AWESOME! Ringing in a New Year and New YOU! :)

Greetings Angels,

A few years ago, Beyonce Knowles was preparing
for her role in the hit movie, Dreamgirls.

She (or perhaps the studio) realized that makeup
and wardrobe could only do so much to make her
look “slimmer”.

So what did she do?

She did what millions of weight loss hopefuls

Look for an easy, quick fix.

Beyonce’s “drug of choice” was the Master
Cleanse, which she followed for 14 days.

In case you’re unfamiliar with this “lemonade”
cleanse, it consists of a concoction of fresh
lime or lemon juice, maple syrup, and cayenne
pepper mixed with water, that is consumed 6-12
times a day, along with an herbal laxative tea…
taken twice a day, and no other food is consumed.


Sounds delicious and definitely a healthy,
long-term approach to losing weight. Wouldn’t you


Nonetheless, she needed a fast and dramatic way
of losing weight. And that’s exactly what she

After just 14 days on the master cleanse she lost
20 lbs!

According to Yahoo News, Beyonce said the

“My nutritionist suggested the only way to do
that [lose weight fast] was the [maple syrup
diet] fast”.

Wow, sounds like a great nutritionist if you ask

But it gets even better as Beyonce told Oprah
(while she was on her show doing her promo tour)

“I was cranky…People were eating Krispy Kreme
Doughnuts around me.”

And Beyonce added that…

“As soon as it was over, I gained the weight
back! I was so happy to return to my regular
eating patterns after ending the Master Cleanse.”

So let’s recap her brief cleansing experience:

1. Wants to lose weight,

2. Follows the master cleanse for 14 days,

3. Loses 20 lbs,

4. Stops the master cleanse and resumes previous
eating habits,

5. Regains 20 lbs!

Now I understand Beyonce is a famous superstar
but the reality is that she’s just a human being
like you and I.

And unfortunately, so many people have been in
the exact same boat as Beyonce – at least with
regards to losing weight.

Have you ever lost weight only to see if come
back faster than a boomerang?

If so, you’re not alone. Millions of people have.

But there are also millions of people who have
successfully lost weight and kept it off – for

What’s the difference between the two groups you

Those who successfully lose weight eat healthy
(most of the time) and exercise regularly.

But how do you eat healthy “most of the time”?

Well, it helps if you can kick-start your weight
loss journey and reset your body (and palette)
with a healthy and sustainable nutrition-based

Nothing like the master cleanse but rather a
clean, whole-foods approach to eliminating the
garbage out of your diet (and your body) that you
can maintain not for just 14 days but for months
on end.

Yes, that’s right…

You can cleanse your body through food! In fact,
that’s what your body prefers compared to liquid
sugar fasts (like the master cleanse) or
dangerous herbal laxatives.

And that’s why I am so excited to tell you about
my friend – holistic nutritionist and cleansing
expert, Yuri Elkaim – and his natural food-based
cleanse called the Total Wellness Cleanse.

In all honesty, I’ve never seen such a safe,
effective, and comprehensive approach to
cleansing. And the best part is that there’s no
detox pills or supplements – you can lose weight,
have more energy, have beautiful skin, and so
much more simply by following the nutrition
principles laid in his cleanse.

And to jump start 2012 and help you reach that
slim and healthy body, Yuri is being incredibly
generous by giving you $100 OFF the regular price
of his Total Wellness Cleanse.

But this discount is only available until
Wednesday January 4, 2012. After that, the price
of his program goes back up!

If you’re sick and tired of not being able to fit
into your clothes, not feeling like “yourself”,
and fed up with giving up on your weight loss
resolutions, then this is the HOPE you so
desperately need.


I know you’ll make the right decision.

All love and eternal gratitude,

P.S. Don’t make the same mistake as Beyonce.
You CAN lose weight and actually keep
it off. Here’s how…


Root Canal Cover Up

Greetings Angels,
Well here’s one that’s really hitting home at the moment! I am sitting here denying the agony of some recent dental work. A crown I had done a few months ago. I can feel myself going between my strong thoughts where the pain is gone, and then the weaker thoughts, where the pain is present. Can you relate?
I am definitely detoxing after this. I’ll search out some good ones and share with you. A lot of people I know are doing heavy metal detoxes. Next week I am going to finally get my mercury fillings out. Then embark on a good cleanse. Perhaps a Holiday Cleanse?
I just hope this is the result of some fluke and not bad dentistry. I will let you know.
In the meantime, I found quite an interesting article for you.

What do you think?

All love and eternal gratitude,


Dear Angels,

11.11.11 was the premiere of this wonderful new movie coming out called Thrive.

The buzz is already big! I wanted to share with you in case you hadn’t heard yet. With so much going on in the world right now that looks like insanity, it’s nice to feel like this community of ours is part of the solution.
Sending love out to The Angel Tribe!
Check it out and let me know what you think?
Happy Weekend!
All love and eternal gratitude-

Less than 24 Hours Left (Eeeekk… Hurry!)

Greetings Angels,

I’ve sung the praises of EFT before here and if you were at all interested, here’s a really incredible deal for you. If you don’t know what EFT is please keep reading.

There are less than 24 hours left
to pick up a copy of the Tapping
Solution film and 30 days in the
Tapping Insiders Club for only $1.

If you haven’t yet seen the trailer
for this film which features experts
like Jack Canfield, Bob Proctor,
Cheryl Richardson, Dr. Joseph Mercola
and other I highly recommend checking
it out now.

You can watch the trailer by going here:

Just click here

EFT Tapping is extremely effective
and can help you with just about
anything in your life (it really does
have a magic bullet quality).

If there’s anything in your life that
you want to improve whether it be
your finances, relationships, health
or anything else… this can help.

Watching this film and trying EFT Tapping
for yourself on a regular basis is
something that everyone should try.

And for only $1, this is just about the
best opportunity you’ll get to learn
this technique.

Plus you’ll not just learn it but also
get access to hundreds of audios, videos,
tapping scripts, articles and much more
in the Tapping Insiders Club so that you
can target exactly what you want to
work on.

But like I said above, there are less
than 24 hours left to take advantage of
this special offer.

And when I say it’s special I mean it…

They’ve only done this once before and
it was over a year and a half ago.

Normally they sell this film for $29.95
and access to the club is normally $27/month.

Go to the link, watch the trailer for the
film (and the video with Jessica where she
explains how it all works) and then pick
up a copy of the film for yourself.

Here’s the link again:

Just click here

Enjoy the film and enjoy your weekend! 🙂
Would love to hear what you think Angels? Please be sure to leave a comment.

All love and eternal gratitude,

P.S. – They get literally hundreds of
testimonials on their club but I thought
I’d share this one in particular…

“First things first. I want to say I am
thrilled with the Tapping Insider’s Club.

I joined not too long ago but have already
seen wonderful results. It seems the stronger
the emotion, the more effective the technique
is and it has helped me in so many ways.

I just lost a loved one and your scripts
help me target my energy blockages to the point
where I actually felt the tension break up and
leave my body.

No other technique has had such a tangible,
for lack of a better term, and immediate effect
for me as EFT. Love your site, your scripts,
and the positive emails. Keep up the great
work, and thank you!!”

The Barefoot Doctor is back and with a gift for you!

My friend Stephen Russell, The Barefoot Doctor, is holding a live five elements sound healing session today followed by an ‘Eight Principles of Personal Power’ meditation – both designed to help you develop inner strength and personal power.

It’s a completely free to attend webinar – all you need to do is click the link below and you will find full details:

Just click here

Stephen has been studying the Taoist inner martial arts for over 40 years – they are not about fighting, but about learning how to become centered in your body, so you stay calm and relaxed whatever life throws at you.

The five element sound healing will help balance your five vital organs and enhance all their functions on the physical, mental and emotional levels, in turn balancing out all aspects of your life.

Then the eight principles meditation will bring you fully into the power at your core.

According to the Taoist schema, the five elements are earth, water, metal, wood and fire – they each relate to different states of being – prosperity, vitality, clarity, confidence and love:

Prosperity – Earth

Vitality – Water

Clarity – Metal

Confidence – Wood

Love – Fire

Stephen will explain more about the five elements, how they relate to those states of being and the healing sounds associated with them during the webinar.

The Eight Principles of Personal Power are the foundations for more advanced Taoist trainings and these eight principles have been developed and honed by Stephen in over 30 years of teaching them to thousands of people. They are the basis of his ‘School For Warriors 1’ training – where you learn the eight principles in great depth, just as a martial arts warrior would, so that you can stay calm and centered through life’s ups and downs.

This special live eight principles guided meditation is designed to help you:

• Sense your Genuine Inner Power

• Clear In Your Mind of Worry, Doubt, & Fear

• Become fully Centered Your Body

• Make Clear & Better Decisions

• Learn how Opportunity Finds You

You can register here:

I’ll be taking part and I hope you can too.
All love and eternal gratitude-

PS Doc is holding a Q&A during this webinar, so if you have a question you would like to ask about Taoism, the five elements, the eight principles or any aspect of inner strength and personal power, join him today:

Just click here:


Looking for something fun, transformational, alternative, magical, and highly informative to do this weekend?
Just click here to find out more!

I’ll be giving you my full report next week!

All love and eternal gratitude-

PS Dr. Sarah Larsen, Maura Hoffman, Troy Casey, Michelle Karen, The Living Temple, Mark Romero, just a few people you can meet in person! I highly recommend getting down there if Alchemy is your thing. This event is not to be missed! Music, magic and so much more!

Previous Older Entries

I left The Healers Way and came here to continue the journey where that left off! :)
Information, research, interviews, webinars, teleseminars, and adventures with some of the worlds top healers, experts in health, nutrition rehab, wellness, higher consciousness development, holism, quantum physics, and energy healing!
Welcome to the journey!
