Just a quick note to let you know…

Dear Angels,

The Angel Frequency is upgrading!
In about an hour we will be transferring the site to a new host so we can begin the improvements.
Please accept my apology for any interruptions during this process.
As soon as we go live again you’ll be the first to know! 🙂

In the meantime, a little side note.
A couple of my songs got picked up for JUST CLICK HERE

I’d be ever so grateful if all my little angels would fly over there?
Starting tomorrow you can go there to “REQUESTS”
There you will find under my name, Angelique Bianca, and my tracks, HERO

Please have a listen, if you like, please let me know? Send me your email and as a token of my gratitude I will send you both of these tracks as mp3s.

In the meantime, thank you so much for coming on this journey with me!

All love and eternal gratitude-

1,480, 369 people can’t be wrong!

Greetings Angels, 

 Well, it’s been a very long busy day in the city of Angels and I am going to ask you to please forgive me for this short, but very cool post.
As some of you are just beginning your day, I hope it’s wonderful. For those of you just ending it, please feel free to join me.
As I go off to sleep with the angels,  this will be my accompaniment….

Have you visited my YouTube channel?
 Check out the latest upload on the Healing Music playlist number 6 

Tibetanische Klangschalen Musik (Meditation,Yoga,Music) Singing

Sorry Angels, but as I go to publish this, it seems the link may or may not work. If not, all you have to do is copy and paste this link below to go there. I never do this but it’s getting late and I must go see those Angels! 🙂 Thanks for understanding!

More to come, stay tuned!

All love and eternal gratitude-

NUTRITION REHAB-Is your food really food?

Greetings Angels,
I’m in New Mexico for a few days retreat.

It’s such a magical place. I am not far from Santa Fe. I just went outside to meditate for the Venus Transit and found this cross up in the sky!

I think some of you know I am a DJ too? So, as long as I can without any repercussion, I will attach music with the posts for something different. New music I find and like! And if you have some new music you want to turn us on to, let us know!
02 Go Outside

Earlier today for lunch, I went to a great place to eat called Body! Everything is organic and I ran into Gregg Braden! Talk about being in the right place at the right time!
How cool was that? (psst- he said he’d love to do an interview for us!!)

I hope this is finding you flying? 🙂
Speaking of BODY! Summer’s right around the corner and that means we’ll be baring more skin. A lot of people will be thinking about getting into their bikini body. Some people will be thinking they need to go on a diet?
I am not a fan of diets!
I don’t think dieting works!
Maybe for a short time, but inevitably, if we don’t change our life style, those pounds creep back. Fact.
I’ve seen too many people diet and fail, over and over and over. I believe eating, should be sort of like a “spiritual” practice. Something you take quite seriously, daily, and are mindful and respectful of. If you think about it, it is our body connecting with the planet, through our food.
From the earth to our mouth!
You wouldn’t consciously put poison or toxins into you right? But today we are seeing some of the most bizarre distortion of foods. Genetically modified organisms, High fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, pesticides, hormones, meat glue, and one of the worst things commonly accepted, artificial sweeteners.

Over eating is a big problem as well. Portions are simply out of control! As well, one of the most common complaints I hear about? The addiction to processed sugar. Most of us are taught to become sugar addicts from childhood sadly. Christmas, Halloween, Easter, Birthdays, every single holiday is celebrated with a sugary treat! I see it over and over again.
Then, the kids get out of control and are given sugar to appease them. And then, the only thing that calms them down? Sugar. It’s an almost vicious cycle.
Look, this is somewhat of a generalization. It’s definitely not true for everyone. We are all the same, and we are all different. Some people can live to be 100 eating junk food, smoking and drinking. And some people can be vegetarian, exercise regularly, not smoke, and drop dead in their 20’s. Of course there’s no consistent rule. But we live in the most affluent country in the world, where we are the sickest country in the world. So, if you think drinking and smoking is the way forward, you are most likely, playing with much slimmer odds.

OK, so the truth is, the brain needs sugar. But it needs healthy sugar and there’s just too much information out there now to see the link between our consumption of sugar, and the rise of diabetes and obesity.

I believe it’s the many foods that are nutritionally incomplete, that lead people to crave more empty calories and hence, eat more and then, gain weight.
If your food isn’t nourishing you, your body is going to ask for more. And the foods that your body gets easily addicted to? Sugar. It’s cheap, it’s in everything, and you know what? At the expense of your health, it’s making a few people very rich.
Food is the energy we put into our machine to operate. Wouldn’t you want to put the most effective fuel into your precious system? Your body is so valuable. It’s the most valuable asset you have! You can either be a highly effective, happy, healthy machine. Or be overweight, tired, and an ineffective operating machine. The choice is simple. Become conscious of what you are putting into your mouth.

Eating consciously, leads to higher consciousness.

Our food system is getting corrupted with GMOs, pesticides, hormones, chemicals, additives, and more, and should be of grave concern to us all.

This is a system, where everything is connected. You know what happens in a circuitry board if one of the wires disconnects? You have a malfunction.

Mother Earth is the most amazing operating system in the galaxy. While all the other stars in our galaxy seem to be uninhabitable, extreme and violent in condition, in the midst of the Milky Way which is approximately 100,000 light years in diameter and about 1,000 light years in thickness, is a small miracle supporting an extraordinary amount of life. We have the honor and privilege to visit here temporarily. I believe it’s our job on this journey to be respectful of our surroundings, of each other and ourselves.
This would be how to honor the miracle of life, by not polluting the planet or our bodies.

Here on The Angel Frequency, I’ve spoken about Nutrition Rehab, but perhaps I haven’t defined it perfectly? I see a lot of food addicts, and a lot of people in denial about their relationship with food.
I want to help rehabilitate and upgrade the way we eat. It’s not about dieting, it’s about a life style choice and honoring what we put into our mouth. We’ve seen so much recent scientific data about how our thoughts and intentions create reality. You have to decide, do I want longevity? Do I want to feel, create and reduce my risk of illness? Or do I want junk food? Some people think eating healthy is more expensive? But isn’t paying for the doctor more expensive in the long run? Is paying for life with your health worth it?
So here’s some food for thought I will leave you with.

Is this something you’re interested in?
Nutrition Rehab-Your prescription to upgrading, honoring your most amazing self, and empowerment!

You are the most amazing creature on this Earth. You have the ability to enjoy all the many wonderful gifts of the Earth and the ability, to help UPGrade!

Thank you for being here with me on this journey.
There’s so much more to come.

I am love+you are love=WE ARE LOVE

All love and eternal gratitude-

Dolphin Dance Meditation-A GIFT for YOU!

Greetings Angels,

Just a little something I put together especially for YOU!
A present to say thank you so much for being here with me. As well, a special thanks to all of you that “liked” my music page on Facebook for that contest I was trying to win.
Just to give you an update, well, I didn’t win the contest. But it’s OK! I feel like I won!
First and foremost, because of YOU!
Then, for some of you that don’t know, I found my brothers after 30 plus years! (A long story that will have to be a movie one day- and guess what, if you’re here? Then you’re a part of it!!!!) 🙂
I’m in the studio recording with my new band! I am putting my DJ hat on again after a long hiatus and working hard to make The Angel Frequency even better!
I think 2012 is going to be a brilliant year, even if the world ends! 🙂

Please be sure to subscribe to my youtube channel-


There’s a lot of videos there for everything from Higher Consciousness Development to breakthroughs in alternative healing and healthy living to Nutrition Rehab to Healing Music!
Stay tuned, there’s much more to come!
All love and eternal gratitude-

Calling All Angels on Facebook please?

Greetings Angels,
I hope you had a beautiful weekend?
I want to share something with you. You may be surprised, because it’s not something I normally share here. But you know, who else better to share with then you guys?
It’s quite urgent, and I really needed help. So, I thought, why not ask you?
I think the video says it all so I’ll just let you dive in…
We’re a pretty big Angel tribe, so for those of you on Facebook I hope we’ll connect there if we haven’t already?

Hope you enjoy the video! Thank you so much for helping me.

All love and eternal gratitude,

PS If you want to help me, all you have to do is

click here

Free MP3’s to anyone who helps! Just let me know. 🙂 NAMASTE

Leaders Causing Leaders; Marianne Williamson and me! :)

Greetings Angels!

Isn’t this the most amazing time? People around the world gearing up for change. It really seems like we are in transition to Higher Conscious living.
I know all our problems will be solved when All are coming from the heart, honoring the Earth, and each other.

There’s so much bad news out there, I consciously try my best to maintain The Angel Frequency as a sacred space. Your place for everything positive in personal development. From food to frequency. I think it’s important we collectively raise the FREQUENCY! 🙂

So on that positive note it’s quite a momentous weekend. Marianne Williamson and I (and a multitude of other AMAZING speakers, workshops, lectures, musical guests like Larissa Stow and so much more!) will be partaking in Leaders Causing Leaders.
The event created by Bhakti Fest co-founder Kenneth Schwenker, produced by Maura Malini Hoffman and featuring some of the top new thought, new consciousness leaders. People like Peter Joseph director of the Zeitgeist movies, The Intention Experiment’s Lynne McTaggart, Marianne Williamson, Malika Chopra, Dr. Sarah Larsen, Cafe Gratitude and much much more…

I’ve been asked to sing and DJ and I am very excited. Did you know the first place I ever played live was acoustically, opening for Marianne Williamson? This was in 1986! She was lecturing regularly here in Los Angeles, and I would go all the time.
She was as brilliant then, as she is now!

This weekend I am excited to be taking part in the Leaders Causing Leaders conference in Los Angeles.

Just click here 🙂

Particularly relevant at this time is the consciousness around this event. It is to inspire All to be leaders. The like minded are gathering this weekend. Come experience the “change”.

All love and eternal gratitude-

PS This just in for you Angels! The first 25 people who email to rsvp@leaderscausingleaders.com with code word The Angel Frequency, can come on donation basis ticket.

Just click here for more info 🙂


Looking for something fun, transformational, alternative, magical, and highly informative to do this weekend?
Just click here to find out more!

I’ll be giving you my full report next week!

All love and eternal gratitude-

PS Dr. Sarah Larsen, Maura Hoffman, Troy Casey, Michelle Karen, The Living Temple, Mark Romero, just a few people you can meet in person! I highly recommend getting down there if Alchemy is your thing. This event is not to be missed! Music, magic and so much more!


Greetings Angels and Friends,

Morning ANGELS,
How are you? Your interview with Stephen Russell AKA The Barefoot Doctor is coming next WEEK! I am super excited as it was truly one of the most fascinating conversations. He answers many of the questions you asked and shares with us about The School For Warriors program. Warriors, in the sense of self MASTERY!

Stephen Russell is like the 007 of Taoism today! He’s one of those teachers all the girls fall in love with and all the guys want to be like! He’s one of those people you could listen to for hours! His voice alone is so soothing it is a healing instrument. He shares some impressive tips and EXERCISES for us to implement RIGHT AWAY! He has over 2 decades of experience in what I call Higher Consciousness Development! Stephen has worked helping thousands of people including the likes of some very famous celebrities to add to his credentials! So please, feel free to share this with all your friends and angels in your life! School For Warriors Program is opening it’s doors this November and there’s only room for a limited number of students. But I’ll tell you more about that next week!
In the meantime, a special musical meditation for you!


The Barefoot Doctor

Greetings Angels,

It’s a stunningly gorgeous day in Malibu and another day closer to 10/10/10. In my last post I mentioned The Barefoot Doctor and told you I had some more free gifts for you! Well, let me introduce you to Stephen Russell.

Tomorrow is officially the launch of The Angel Frequency, so I really hope you will find a moment to come by and say hello! As well, get your free amazing interview.

In the meantime, I have more free gifts for you!

One of the things I really love about this journey, is not only sharing with you, but how FUN it is. I get to explore so many resources and meet so many people on course with the evolution of consciousness.  Devoted to health, healing, wellness, holism! Healing others and helping others to heal themselves.

Of course, some people are here to find ways to explore paths to wellness while facing some serious challenges.  This is certainly serious. Especially if  dealing with something difficult. I am not making light of this at all. But, our true nature is love, and love feels good! I  believe that dis-ease, is the journey that challenges us only to push us back onto this path. A path where there is joy and certainty about who we really are. Pure love energy.

The Barefoot Doctor has been on this journey for many years, and is widely respected throughout Europe. He has been on the forefront and one of the pioneers in Energy Healing for the past two decades! The author of 13 bestselling books, he has devoted his life to interpreting, simplifying, and sharing the Taoist system of medicine, martial arts, meditation, and creativity.

Stephen will be joining us soon for an exclusive interview next month. But in the meantime, he’s given me two special FUN meditations to share with you.

I feel joy magicbounce

Hope you enjoy Angels. Have a stellar weekend!

I hope to see you here tomorrow! If you want me to send you these MP3’s all you have to do is sign up, leave a comment letting me know what you think, and that you want me to mail you the mp3’s!



I left The Healers Way and came here to continue the journey where that left off! :)
Information, research, interviews, webinars, teleseminars, and adventures with some of the worlds top healers, experts in health, nutrition rehab, wellness, higher consciousness development, holism, quantum physics, and energy healing!
Welcome to the journey!
