Super Soul Sunday 3 and Maori Pt. 3 ;)

Greetings loveliest friends and angels,

Hope you had a stellar weekend? As some of you may know from my previous post typing is just a wee bit challenging. 😉
But I am getting better each day! I am really excited and gearing up for the School For Warriors Program!

I hope you will please excuse the delay on the Maori continuation, but I didn’t forget. 🙂
Basically to pick up where that story left off…

If you remember from Part II-
“The beauty of the Maori Healing is to clear stuck energy, whether from this life, past ones or generations before you.”

So how does one go about this?

Well there is a very special woman I met on my journey named Shari. Shari is Native American from the east coast of the United States. As far back as she can recall she has been able to connect with her spirit guides and beings from other realms. Her longing for answers of the unseen world and her suffering from deep seated fear put her on a healing path.

Shari’s journey took her where she was led to meet powerful healers and spiritual teachers. The biggest impact on her life was when she finally met her long awaited teacher Papa Joe the well respected Tahunga, Elder from New Zealand. He recognized Shari’s gift and for the next seven years until his passing she was one of his chosen students. His presence was a pivotal moment in her life.

Many people who either end up as healers, or at least seeking them out, seem to be almost pushed. it’s that experience of being “stuck” that often pushes exactly where we need to be.

I got to meet Shari at her home in Topanga Canyon.

Believe it or not, there’s MORE! Stay tuned Angels, because I have another very special gift coming for you soon!

All love and eternal gratitude-

PS You’ve been a little quiet, everything OK? 🙂 Please share, I want to hear from you guys! 🙂

You Can Heal Yourself!

Happy Saturday Angels-
It’s a busy weekend here as I get ready to go to the Leaders Causing Leaders Event, finish up collecting some great info to share with you and to launch a bunch of new goodies for you next week. 🙂
Including your exclusive FREE interview with Stephen Russell aka The Barefoot Doctor. I am so excited to share this interview with you. He really shared some great self healing tips!
I noticed about several hundred of you watched the musical meditation. Would you like more videos like this?
Or more videos like this?

Or both?

Just let me know what you think? 🙂

Please don’t forget, comments and feedback really help the site and me a lot. I sure appreciate hearing from you. Thanks so much.
Hope you are having a beautiful weekend.

All love and eternal gratitude-


Greetings Angels and Friends,

Morning ANGELS,
How are you? Your interview with Stephen Russell AKA The Barefoot Doctor is coming next WEEK! I am super excited as it was truly one of the most fascinating conversations. He answers many of the questions you asked and shares with us about The School For Warriors program. Warriors, in the sense of self MASTERY!

Stephen Russell is like the 007 of Taoism today! He’s one of those teachers all the girls fall in love with and all the guys want to be like! He’s one of those people you could listen to for hours! His voice alone is so soothing it is a healing instrument. He shares some impressive tips and EXERCISES for us to implement RIGHT AWAY! He has over 2 decades of experience in what I call Higher Consciousness Development! Stephen has worked helping thousands of people including the likes of some very famous celebrities to add to his credentials! So please, feel free to share this with all your friends and angels in your life! School For Warriors Program is opening it’s doors this November and there’s only room for a limited number of students. But I’ll tell you more about that next week!
In the meantime, a special musical meditation for you!


Maori Healers- Part 1

Greetings Angels and Friends,

Last week I met Maori Healers from New Zealand. (Ma is pure, white, clean. Ori is to vibrate.)
The energy healing they do has been passed down from generation to generation from the beginning of human history, according to their lore.
As with some healing modalities, a great teacher can be affiliated with it. In this case, one of the most legendary contemporary Maori Healers was Hohepa Delamere, otherwise known as Papa Joe.

Papa Joe was a spiritual teacher, a healer and such a dynamic personality that everyone who came into contact with him, loved him. Besides for the work, which finds similarities to Chinese Medicine, meridians and acupressure, Papa Joe was concerned heavily with our connection to the Earth and to other dimensions.

Mirimiri: the healing process that works on all 4 dimensions. It connects the Tohunga (meaning includes expert priests, healers, teachers etc) to the 12th heaven (realm) where in Maori mythology, Taane climbed his way up to this 12th plane to uplift the 3 kete (baskets) of sacred knowledge.
Koo Miri:  is the process of koorerorero (talking) is used to find the ‘core’ emotional bindings that dis-able, dis-empower and keep dis-cord rife. These are mainly emotional experiences behind physical, psychological or mental ailments. Through the use of the Whatumanawa, (the third eye) one is able to identify issues and bring about change as well as healing.
Taa Miri: is to read and listen to the body. This is mainly where we see the trauma trapped within the body. 
For example:
    Calves – primary relationships and heavy metals trapped in body and they sink
    Hip bones – imbalance of energy, male / female energy askew
    Upper arms – pain in this area lack of self nurturing

Romiromi: Use of elbows, hands, knees, feet, raakau (stick / wood), kohatu /toka (stones), moana (seawater), to do a very deep tissue body work.
All of the above in turn bring about TE REO – the voices of nature.

When Papa Joe began traveling the world, besides doing the healing work, he was on more of a mission. Unfortunately, I didn’t get to meet Papa Joe because he transitioned September 21, 2006. But today, there are Maori’s who still travel the world carrying on the traditions of the Maori Healing. They come at least yearly to the USA and other parts of the world where they are called. They have been coming to Topanga Canyon with Papa Joe for many years. Manu , Atarangi , and Anu worked and traveled with Papa Joe.

I also got to speak to Anu who also travels and works with Manu and Atarangi. He gave me a lot of insight into the Maori’s, and the pride of their traditions. But, I couldn’t photograph him because of his tribal face markings which were very beautiful. He said he would have to get permission from the Elders, and they were back home. Maybe next time?

Stay tuned for Part 2!

All love and eternal gratitude,


Dearest Angels,

In my great haste and excitement to get the interview and site officially launched today, I completely forgot to say a HUGE THANK YOU!
I really appreciated all your feedback from the “name” poll, and wanted to let you know “officially” it is indeed THE ANGEL FREQUENCY that came out ahead.

It was close though!
Today felt like a huge success and I really want to thank all of you! It’s been a blast watching the number of people stop through, and receiving your comments. To date, the site has had almost 3000 visitors! YAY!!
Something is happening here. The Angel Tribe is growing! The Angel Frequency has landed!!!!

So what’s next? 🙂

I’d really love your help again please? One of the next interviews I have coming up is with The Barefoot Doctor, Stephen Russell.
I would love to hear questions from YOU, that you would like me to ask him!

Can’t wait to hear from you!
All love and eternal gratitude-

Isabelle Von Fallois Interview for YOU!

Greetings Angels,

HAPPY 10/10/10 Do you feel it? Feel a huge wave of energy, love and light!

It’s a time to celebrate and reclaim old wisdom’s and ancient rituals. Connect to the Earth, healing ourselves and abandoning  old modalities that simply do not work. I am talking about fear, isolation, greed, hate.

This journey is going to be nothing short of amazing! It’s going to be magical, miraculous and magnificent. Why? Because you showed up! Thank you! Because we are here together.

When we intention to manifest conscious awareness, collectively, we raise all of our vibrations energetically!

So let’s get started NOW!

It is my honor to be here with you.

It is with great pleasure to give you this interview with Isabelle Von Fallois.

Just click play to hear your interview! 🙂
To find out more please click on the Angel Portal to the right of the play button!


PS If you like what’s happening here, it would really help me out greatly if you would please share this link with all your friends and angels! Let’s build The Angel Tribe and send the Frequency of Angels EVERYWHERE!


Greetings Angels, As many of you know, I lived in Ibiza for 5 years. It was an amazing journey and I know an important part of my Map that led me here to you NOW! 🙂  I feel so blessed to call it my second home.  Due to synchronicity and serendipitous events, I ended up spending a lot of time at Shunya Ibiza Retreat. ( Shunya is in the Northern part of the Island near one of my favorite beaches, Benniras.  It has a view of the Med and is surrounded by a beautiful forest and valley views. Sunsets are daily from the grand terrace overlooking the sea! It was there I became fast friends with the owners Karar and Sabera, who are an important part of my spiritual family. They welcomed me and introduced me to Tachyon. Shunya is the worlds leading Tachyon center for communication, rejuvenation, healing and contemplation. It is open to all ideas and pathways that connect and develop the world in a harmonious and peaceful way.


TACHYON was developed by an amazing quantum physicist called David Wagner who was able to heal himself from a terrible accident that would have put him in a wheelchair for life.

If you are interested in Tachyon all you have to do to find out more is click on this link!

TACHYON CRYSTAL positively reorganizes the subtle organizing energy fields around living organisms and promotes great health and EXTRAORDINARY recovery from so-called terminal illnesses. It is truly groundbreaking technology that connects us to the interface of the QUANTUM FIELD of no frequency. On a more practical day-to-day level the use of TACHYON has been proven to negate the harmful effects of leaking electromagnetic radio fields from such things as mobile phones, computers and other electrical appliances. I admit to loving modern technology…we currently have four working computers in our house…and I sit in front of my  Mac screen to do my work and play. Everyone I know comes into contact with electrical appliances on a daily basis, and most I know do admit that after a length of time they often feel drained, have a headache or suffer nausea.

WITH TACHYON THIS KNOW LONGER NEEDS TO HAPPEN-   Mobile phone companies won’t admit any liability, rather like cigarette companies for years because like with cigarettes they know the litigation claims will pour in. Rather than wait 30 years until the medical establishment proves the link between cell phones and illnesses PROTECT YOURSELF NOW! What I am interested in is introducing to people’s lives things that make them feel better, and that will help them heal any afflictions they may have. I became a certified Tachyon Practitioner and am very impressed with the work going on at Shunya. I am looking forward to presenting The Angel Frequency retreats there as soon as summer 2011. 

All love and eternal gratitude-

PS I’d love to hear from you!

Remember if you are interested in Tachyon all you have to do to find out more is click on this link!

I left The Healers Way and came here to continue the journey where that left off! :)
Information, research, interviews, webinars, teleseminars, and adventures with some of the worlds top healers, experts in health, nutrition rehab, wellness, higher consciousness development, holism, quantum physics, and energy healing!
Welcome to the journey!
