Gifts of G R A T I T U D E

Dear Angels-

In the spirit of the Holiday many Americans will celebrate this week, I wanted to keep this post really light and positive.

Gratitude is one of my favorite themes. With the launch of The Angel Frequency very fresh and new, I wanted to express my gratitude for YOU. Without you, there wouldn’t be the Angel Tribe!

It’s been really exciting to watch as we are growing steadily. But PLEASE don’t stop telling the friends and angels in your life! This REALLY helps! 🙂

One thing I know for sure, is when a group of people put their mind to something, big things can happen. I wanted to try a little experiment and I need your help please? I was hoping you could share with me here, what it is you’re grateful for in your life? I believe by sharing our gratitude, the more we share and put it out there, the more we attract things to be grateful for into our lives.

So my dearest Angels, I would love to hear from you. Lets share our gratitude and watch it GROW!

I also love giving! 😉 I wanted to give you a little something for the Holiday. What would it be without a recipe?
I had a dinner party with some of my angels in Ibiza this summer. This healthy yummy side dish is really simple and delicious. To your health ANGELS always!

All love and eternal g r a t i t u d e,


Greetings Angels, As many of you know, I lived in Ibiza for 5 years. It was an amazing journey and I know an important part of my Map that led me here to you NOW! 🙂  I feel so blessed to call it my second home.  Due to synchronicity and serendipitous events, I ended up spending a lot of time at Shunya Ibiza Retreat. ( Shunya is in the Northern part of the Island near one of my favorite beaches, Benniras.  It has a view of the Med and is surrounded by a beautiful forest and valley views. Sunsets are daily from the grand terrace overlooking the sea! It was there I became fast friends with the owners Karar and Sabera, who are an important part of my spiritual family. They welcomed me and introduced me to Tachyon. Shunya is the worlds leading Tachyon center for communication, rejuvenation, healing and contemplation. It is open to all ideas and pathways that connect and develop the world in a harmonious and peaceful way.


TACHYON was developed by an amazing quantum physicist called David Wagner who was able to heal himself from a terrible accident that would have put him in a wheelchair for life.

If you are interested in Tachyon all you have to do to find out more is click on this link!

TACHYON CRYSTAL positively reorganizes the subtle organizing energy fields around living organisms and promotes great health and EXTRAORDINARY recovery from so-called terminal illnesses. It is truly groundbreaking technology that connects us to the interface of the QUANTUM FIELD of no frequency. On a more practical day-to-day level the use of TACHYON has been proven to negate the harmful effects of leaking electromagnetic radio fields from such things as mobile phones, computers and other electrical appliances. I admit to loving modern technology…we currently have four working computers in our house…and I sit in front of my  Mac screen to do my work and play. Everyone I know comes into contact with electrical appliances on a daily basis, and most I know do admit that after a length of time they often feel drained, have a headache or suffer nausea.

WITH TACHYON THIS KNOW LONGER NEEDS TO HAPPEN-   Mobile phone companies won’t admit any liability, rather like cigarette companies for years because like with cigarettes they know the litigation claims will pour in. Rather than wait 30 years until the medical establishment proves the link between cell phones and illnesses PROTECT YOURSELF NOW! What I am interested in is introducing to people’s lives things that make them feel better, and that will help them heal any afflictions they may have. I became a certified Tachyon Practitioner and am very impressed with the work going on at Shunya. I am looking forward to presenting The Angel Frequency retreats there as soon as summer 2011. 

All love and eternal gratitude-

PS I’d love to hear from you!

Remember if you are interested in Tachyon all you have to do to find out more is click on this link!

Postcards from Ibiza…

Hi Angels,

Thanks so much for your support and feedback. It really means a lot! If you haven’t already, I would greatly appreciate it if you could please scroll down to the bottom of the page and sign up.

I have a lot I am going to share with you and I would hate for you to miss out. Especially on all the FREE stuff! 🙂

As I am gearing up for our big 10/10/10 launch, I know I have to take time away from the computer. So, I managed to sneak outside and take in some sunshine. I decided to stand on the grassy area in front of where the monkeys are, and do some Yoga overlooking the Pacific. The sky was clear and you could see Catalina. It really reminded me of Ibiza. Some of my friends (Angels), have been asking to see some photos or videos from my trip this summer.  I thought it would be fun to make a video postcard.

So, here’s a little taste of the magic island.

I think the island is a beautiful feast for your soul. Take in its beauty and let the energy of this magical place shower you! I invite you to relax, enjoy and imagine yourself right there with me.

I’d love to hear back from you! Stay tuned, there’s so much more to come.

All love and eternal gratitude


PS “It’s My Turn” is an original song I wrote with my good friend Steven Edwards. I hope you enjoy!

I left The Healers Way and came here to continue the journey where that left off! :)
Information, research, interviews, webinars, teleseminars, and adventures with some of the worlds top healers, experts in health, nutrition rehab, wellness, higher consciousness development, holism, quantum physics, and energy healing!
Welcome to the journey!
