Super Soul Sunday 3 and Maori Pt. 3 ;)

Greetings loveliest friends and angels,

Hope you had a stellar weekend? As some of you may know from my previous post typing is just a wee bit challenging. 😉
But I am getting better each day! I am really excited and gearing up for the School For Warriors Program!

I hope you will please excuse the delay on the Maori continuation, but I didn’t forget. 🙂
Basically to pick up where that story left off…

If you remember from Part II-
“The beauty of the Maori Healing is to clear stuck energy, whether from this life, past ones or generations before you.”

So how does one go about this?

Well there is a very special woman I met on my journey named Shari. Shari is Native American from the east coast of the United States. As far back as she can recall she has been able to connect with her spirit guides and beings from other realms. Her longing for answers of the unseen world and her suffering from deep seated fear put her on a healing path.

Shari’s journey took her where she was led to meet powerful healers and spiritual teachers. The biggest impact on her life was when she finally met her long awaited teacher Papa Joe the well respected Tahunga, Elder from New Zealand. He recognized Shari’s gift and for the next seven years until his passing she was one of his chosen students. His presence was a pivotal moment in her life.

Many people who either end up as healers, or at least seeking them out, seem to be almost pushed. it’s that experience of being “stuck” that often pushes exactly where we need to be.

I got to meet Shari at her home in Topanga Canyon.

Believe it or not, there’s MORE! Stay tuned Angels, because I have another very special gift coming for you soon!

All love and eternal gratitude-

PS You’ve been a little quiet, everything OK? 🙂 Please share, I want to hear from you guys! 🙂

I left The Healers Way and came here to continue the journey where that left off! :)
Information, research, interviews, webinars, teleseminars, and adventures with some of the worlds top healers, experts in health, nutrition rehab, wellness, higher consciousness development, holism, quantum physics, and energy healing!
Welcome to the journey!
