Top questions answered about healing from cancer naturally

Greetings Angels,

I just got this incredible email from my good friend Steve Prussack. He’s the host of Vegan Raw Radio and been featured here several times before.

He told me 1 in 2 Americans are now being diagnosed with cancer. (staggering!)

We have promoted a lot of incredibly useful programs, but
this latest is perhaps the most important. I cannot stress enough
how powerful this message is to spread…that we really can
heal cancer naturally.

More and more friends of mine are either being diagnosed with cancer, or someone they love is.

Steve Prussack produced a special event last night in which Dr.
Thomas Lodi, MD answered the top questions about healing from
cancer naturally, There has been buzz all over about how informative
this webinar was, and I am offering you a link to the replay now. Please
feel free to share it with those you love, friends and family.


or if you want to share this link with a friend, please copy and paste this-

This program certainly moved me. I am sure you will feel the same.

All love and eternal gratitude,
Angelique Bianca

“In the kitchen” with Jeremiah Shattuck, raw food demo and more!

Angels Angels Angels,

Greetings with LOVE, abundance, and awesome intention. Namaste!
I’ve been asked what Namaste means recently. According to what I learned back in the 80’s when I knew I had spent past lives in India, it means, “I salute the Spirit in you, that is me”. Or as the Wikipedia search I just did says,”The spirit in me respects the spirit in you,”

Whatever meaning you ascribe to it exactly, isn’t so important. What is important, is our intention. Lynne McTaggart, Dr. Masaru Emoto and many others in Noetic science and Quantum Physics, people like Einstein, have been doing extensive research in this field for many years. I feel like I’ve been living it! Many people go to retreats or special schools to learn a spiritual practice. I lived my own personal experiment, a spiritual path outside the proverbial box. My life has been very far from conventional. Telling myself, I was a devoted student of myself, and what the Universe put before me.
I can give you a few examples. Some of this may sound boastful, but I assure you it is not. Much of it was like an intense schooling with many lessons unfolding out of enormous challenges. Challenges I now think of as gifts. Down adversity’s road lies wisdom. I married when I was 18, divorced 19, didn’t go to college, nor had children. Started attending Marianne Williamson’s lectures in 1986, and studying A Course In Miracles. The first place I ever played and sang live was opening for Marianne. I tried every variety of Yoga from Kundalini to Iyengar and I started a Kriya Yoga practice at the Self Realization Fellowship. I lived in Alphabet city with addicts shooting up in the entry, and a crack head in Ibiza. I saw karma everywhere.
I got out of Alphabet City and the crack head who disrespected me, ended up in his car homeless. I didn’t ever wish him ill and I forgave him. He later got out of that mess, and picked himself back up. I heard he got off drugs and I was glad.
I have traveled the world from Haiti to Mexico, lived in LA, NY, London, France, Morocco, India, LA and Spain. I’ve lived off the grid, on a farm and in several Ashrams. I went without plenty, but felt I had much to be grateful for. I consider my treasures far beyond what any bank could hold. I’ve manifested incredible things, including healers to heal me when I didn’t have a dime, plane trips to places I dreamed to go, vacations that looked like they should be in a reality TV show, jobs in foreign lands, and most important, friends and angels to get me through the best of times and the tough ones. Miracles!
I even manifested a brand new King Size bed! I needed a bed for months. I was sleeping on a single “day” bed, with awful metal springs poking me. It landed on our property with no one coming to claim it and no tags on it to show where it was even from. After a week, and inquiring to all the neighbors, the bed was put in my room when a storm came. A sign? The most comfortable bed I’ve ever had! As if it had fallen out of the sky!

I took some time off from The Angel Frequency to reflect. Much has been going on, and it certainly had my head swimming in thought. From the Japan incident, to tornadoes, earthquakes, volcanoes, political unrest! A lot is happening and it’s apparent to me that we are shifting.
It feels like consciousness is having an explosive evolutionary shift. The smaller the world gets via the Internet, the more we can see our connectivity, and everything happening, is affecting each of us. The problem with pollution is no longer just outside of us, there is pollution in our bodies. Could the evolutionary shift be as simple as changing our diet? In movies like Food Inc, there’s hard evidence to suggest and even prove this.
Some remain apathetic and this is hard for me to accept when I know EACH person can BE THE CHANGE.
Some say it is the end of the world. Some attribute it to Climate Change. Others to natural cycles of the Earth. Each thought and intention, everything we believe in our minds, has the possibility to become a reality. Each moment, we choose. You chose. Your thoughts are manifested by you either consciously or unconsciously. This is Higher Consciousness Development work. It isn’t easy to be enlightened, it takes work. Just like you can’t sit around and do nothing and expect your muscles to stay firm. Action, intention, meditation, visualization, affirmations, these are the tools for spiritual fitness.
Marianne Williamson likes to call it, “Christ Consciousness”, religions have their doctrines. Call it what you like, God, Buddha, Allah etc…I believe all are names for the same thing, Energy. It is the Energy that we all are. Energy that is connected to the field of energy that is our Universe or Multiverse. Which means we are all connected. This is the meaning of we are one. All of our parts make up the whole and ultimately as the Flower Of Life shows-

all of our actions effect each other and our world. This whole thing is an “operating system”. We will function at our highest ability when the consciousness is whole. Recognize the spirit in you, and that it is indeed, connected to the spirit in me.

In my absence, I’ve had my own Angel Frequency sabbatical or Vipassana.
Vipassana means to see things as they really are. It was rediscovered by Gotama Buddha more than 2500 years ago and was taught by him as a universal remedy for universal ills.
There are wonderful Vipassana Meditation Retreats around the world, where you spend 10 days in complete silence. This is something we will speak of more later. This practice should probably be implemented once a year, like a car needs a tune up. We don’t spend enough time with ourselves because of the way society is constructed. There is little time for this. But I think many of you feel as I do, things are changing! Rapidly!!! Put the TV down! 🙂
All the things that look crazy, like the oceans being polluted, food and water compromised, Gas, Oil, and Nuclear Power crisis’s, war, animal and human rights violations, are a collective call to action. To LOVE. Replacing fear with love is the only sane action.
The Angel Frequency isn’t a place for me to pontificate though. At least, I try not to. The only intention is to do my small part to help.

So, in keeping it short and sweet 🙂 , let me introduce you to my next guest. Jeremiah Shattuck is a young man who was a victim of a biological weapon. He laid on his death bed for 2 and half years. Then left him in and out of hospitals till last year. He had cancer from depleted uranium which comes from just regular weaponry like missiles and artillery fire! Going back home to Hawaii he changed his diet and started eating enzyme rich foods, whole organic raw foods, and meditated. He started to see results in just a couple of months. His body started detoxing and healing and led him on the road to his passion and commitment to share his knowledge of conscious life force now for 6 years! He works actively in the community to help people eat food that nourishes, heals and detoxes.

Watch the video here

.Remember, Enlightenment isn’t exclusive, it’s your birthright. Like the sun shines for Mother Earth, Enlightenment is your Sun, shining internally eternally.

So, in keeping with this theme, I’ve got a special video for you featuring my dear friend Jeremiah Shattuck. His story is fascinating, and perhaps one that may inspire you to consider as Hippocrates once famously said,”Let Food Be Thy Medicine, and Medicine Be Thy Food!”

This weekend Sunday June 5 6-10pm.

I will be there and so will Jeremiah, where you can taste some of his tasty healthy conscious living foods.


PS Your comments and feedback are GREATLY appreciated. Please SHARE The Angel Frequency every where you want to spread LOVE!


“Dancing is the bodies natural inclination to clear chakras and “stuck” energies.”

Hi Angels,
How’s your weekend? It’s raining here in “sunny” California but it feels completely warm in my heart. It’s been an amazing week here on “the frequency”. It’s been so exciting to see The Angel Frequency reaching all over the world!!!
There’s angels from Mexico, England, South Africa, Australia, Slovenia, Poland, Canada, and many across the USA! Can you imagine how thrilled I am to connect with all of you? I am so touched that you would do me the great honor to come “FLY” with us here.
And speaking of FLYING! I don’t know how many of you are connected to me via Facebook but if you are, you may notice I’ve been talking a lot about “dancing”. As someone who’s been DJing for 2 decades plus some, I always felt it such a privilege to have a job where I got to play music all night and make people HAPPY. Most of the time all I would see is a sea of smiles!
But in recent years I noticed it was more then that. I began to really think about how so many people love to gather and dance. Like it was the most natural thing in the world. Well, of course it is. People from the beginning of time gathered to dance. I believe it’s also where we connect with our souls. Besides being a good workout, there’s another very important component. Dancing clears our chakras!

“Dancing is the bodies natural inclination to clear chakras and “stuck” energies.”

Singing too!

Even if you aren’t a “public” dancer, don’t be shy! Turn up your favorite tune in your living room, and give it a try!
You are an angel, and you are meant to fly, dance and sing. A lot of what is going on in our world is geared towards making us forget. Like bad food, high stress, life challenges. But singing and dancing are free, and make you feel good.
I love this quote by Marianne Williamson-
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

Dance, sing and fly angels, FLY!

Enjoy this amazing video, and remember to SHINE! Watching others shine and feeling gratitude for them is like a teaspoon of happiness. Your body is your temple, treat it as such and it will feed you pearls of wisdom.
All love and eternal gratitude-
PS Please don’t forget to leave a comment and let me know your thoughts! It’s always such a pleasure to hear from you! 🙂 Thanks!

David Wolfe; Food Matters

Greetings Angels,
How are you? I hope your week is going well?
A while back we took a poll asking you what YOU were interested to discover here. Topics like meditation, yoga, visualization, energy healing etc…all things we will cover. 🙂 But the two top requests were Higher Consciousness Development and Nutrition Rehab. Both of these terms I will be covering in a new book I am writing to elaborate on. But until it’s done, many things featured here are congruent. With this I’d coined the phrase, “eating consciously, leads to higher consciousness” because I believe enlightenment will not be found through consuming sugar (processed), processed foods, or animals from CAFO’s. Here’s a video I just got from my dear friend David Wolfe. He’s such an expert on these matters and this video really helps to drive my point.
I am so passionate about this subject! I am so happy so many of you are interested in this too. It’s so true that food is our first medicine. What we put into our mouths is the most important connection to our best health; mentally, physically and spiritually!

The Longevity Now Program is one tool I would highly suggest if you do want to find out more!

All love and eternal gratitude-

Your Exclusive Free Interview with Stephen Russell AKA The Barefoot Doctor

Greetings Angels and dearest Friends,
Welcome and thank you so much for being here.
I am so excited to bring you this interview with Stephen Russell AKA The Barefoot Doctor.

I’ve been speaking about him a lot here. Why?
Because I don’t believe there’s really anything like this program out there. Stephen Russell is not only a great teacher, but a Tao Master.
The Tao makes you unstoppable in everything you do, because it gives you the power to access the source of existence itself.
This isn’t something you typically find so easily here in the modern world.

The School For Warriors program isn’t even opened yet. With this interview and the following FREE webinars that we have coming up, you will be as excited as I am to get on board. SO excited I hope you will please tell all the friends and angels in your life to sign up.

If you’re already subscribed here, you have nothing to worry about.

But if this is your first time here, I must please ask you to subscribe or you will not be able to access the FREE webinars coming up! And I would really hate for you to miss out!

It seems like everywhere you hear about this consciousness shift that is happening.
Well, there is a shift happening and it’s tools like this that will help to elevate your consciousness level and keep you strong in your core. Teach you how to position and center yourself into a unifying force that can’t be beaten.

So without further ado here’s your free interview!

I’d love to hear from you!

Please leave me a message and to thank you, I’ll send you a free musical meditation from Stephen.
Just to give you a sample of his fun musical twist on meditation-the intro to this interview is just a taste.


I left The Healers Way and came here to continue the journey where that left off! :)
Information, research, interviews, webinars, teleseminars, and adventures with some of the worlds top healers, experts in health, nutrition rehab, wellness, higher consciousness development, holism, quantum physics, and energy healing!
Welcome to the journey!
