A Taste of Tao

Dear Angels and Friends-

For those of you new here, let me introduce you to my friend Stephen Russell, the Barefoot Doctor – he has a fantastic, free video exercise and visualization for you, to increase the flow of wealth into your life. For those of you that already know, please bare with me? This is the FREE video you’ve been waiting for. 🙂

Stephen is a world famous author, one of Europe’s leading
personal development teachers and an expert in ancient Chinese
meditation and movement. As he travels the world teaching, he has
witnessed a common concern; crushing fear about money, security,
and prosperity.

But using the Taoist life management skills which Stephen has
practiced and taught for decades, you can remain centered and
retain your personal power, whatever the ups and downs of life.

It’s all about the flow of energy – and this two minute exercise
will help you to strengthen what the Chinese call your ‘earth
energy’, so you can increase the flow of currency to you.

Stephen shows how Angie, one of his students, used it when she
needed just-a-bit-of-a-nudge for a massive breakthrough in her
This simple earth element exercise shifted her whole being and
presence in her business. Some days later Angie landed a major
contract and now her business has taken off!
You can shift too.

So check it out here! 🙂

Here’s what Diane had to say about the video:
Thank you very much for the instruction – the sound made when
breathing out felt very powerful and it felt like I was instantly
re-energizing my body and strengthening my chi. I liked
visualizing giving away the wads of cash I found growing at my
feet – it made me feel less guilty about wanting more money in my
life! It made the exercise about giving, and less selfish than I
Thanks again Barefoot Doctor!

So take a look here 🙂

It’s free and it’s fab.

All love and eternal gratitude-

PS. After you’ve watched the video and tried the ‘earth
strengthening’ exercise, please leave a comment. – Stephen loves
to know how you sense your body and your chi after his short,
simple sound and movement meditation…

Your Exclusive Free Interview with Stephen Russell AKA The Barefoot Doctor

Greetings Angels and dearest Friends,
Welcome and thank you so much for being here.
I am so excited to bring you this interview with Stephen Russell AKA The Barefoot Doctor.

I’ve been speaking about him a lot here. Why?
Because I don’t believe there’s really anything like this program out there. Stephen Russell is not only a great teacher, but a Tao Master.
The Tao makes you unstoppable in everything you do, because it gives you the power to access the source of existence itself.
This isn’t something you typically find so easily here in the modern world.

The School For Warriors program isn’t even opened yet. With this interview and the following FREE webinars that we have coming up, you will be as excited as I am to get on board. SO excited I hope you will please tell all the friends and angels in your life to sign up.

If you’re already subscribed here, you have nothing to worry about.

But if this is your first time here, I must please ask you to subscribe or you will not be able to access the FREE webinars coming up! And I would really hate for you to miss out!

It seems like everywhere you hear about this consciousness shift that is happening.
Well, there is a shift happening and it’s tools like this that will help to elevate your consciousness level and keep you strong in your core. Teach you how to position and center yourself into a unifying force that can’t be beaten.

So without further ado here’s your free interview!

I’d love to hear from you!

Please leave me a message and to thank you, I’ll send you a free musical meditation from Stephen.
Just to give you a sample of his fun musical twist on meditation-the intro to this interview is just a taste.


You Can Heal Yourself!

Happy Saturday Angels-
It’s a busy weekend here as I get ready to go to the Leaders Causing Leaders Event, finish up collecting some great info to share with you and to launch a bunch of new goodies for you next week. 🙂
Including your exclusive FREE interview with Stephen Russell aka The Barefoot Doctor. I am so excited to share this interview with you. He really shared some great self healing tips!
I noticed about several hundred of you watched the musical meditation. Would you like more videos like this?
Or more videos like this?

Or both?

Just let me know what you think? 🙂

Please don’t forget, comments and feedback really help the site and me a lot. I sure appreciate hearing from you. Thanks so much.
Hope you are having a beautiful weekend.

All love and eternal gratitude-

Maori Healers Part 2

Greetings Friends and Angels,

I want to continue where I left off on the Maori. It is so relevant to what is happening today on the planet. Anaru, the Maori with the beautiful Tribal markings was trying to impress upon me the importance of Genealogy and how it related to their work. That in the Maori healing traditions, the real seed or root of some problems could be traced back to our ancestry. Most indigenous people of the planet hold their ancestors in high regard. The keepers of wisdom, passed down from generation to generation. The Maori pride themselves on holding onto these traditions and that’s why the tribal markings are so significant. They tell their story, their lineage and the way of the cosmos. Knowing your genealogy is a way of knowing “who you are”.

There use to be a time when a woman growing herbs in her garden would be called a witch, and would be burned at the stake. Suppose this was one of your ancestors? It wouldn’t be surprising that you might feel some kind of fear or apprehension towards anything metaphysical. Just to give an example of what might happen with energy that gets stuck. When Anaru told me about the importance of the genealogy I was slightly reticent. I worried focusing on ones own genealogy might bring us to focusing more on the “me” rather then the “we”. But at the root of everything is the “all” and this is the map that leads us there. If you are doing everything in your power to heal yourself, and nothing is working? Well it might just be, your aren’t clearing stuck energy from the past.

The beauty of the Maori Healing is to clear stuck energy, whether from this life, past ones or generations before you.

Stay tuned for Part 3 Yep, there’s more! 🙂

All love and eternal gratitude-

Maori Healers- Part 1

Greetings Angels and Friends,

Last week I met Maori Healers from New Zealand. (Ma is pure, white, clean. Ori is to vibrate.)
The energy healing they do has been passed down from generation to generation from the beginning of human history, according to their lore.
As with some healing modalities, a great teacher can be affiliated with it. In this case, one of the most legendary contemporary Maori Healers was Hohepa Delamere, otherwise known as Papa Joe.

Papa Joe was a spiritual teacher, a healer and such a dynamic personality that everyone who came into contact with him, loved him. Besides for the work, which finds similarities to Chinese Medicine, meridians and acupressure, Papa Joe was concerned heavily with our connection to the Earth and to other dimensions.

Mirimiri: the healing process that works on all 4 dimensions. It connects the Tohunga (meaning includes expert priests, healers, teachers etc) to the 12th heaven (realm) where in Maori mythology, Taane climbed his way up to this 12th plane to uplift the 3 kete (baskets) of sacred knowledge.
Koo Miri:  is the process of koorerorero (talking) is used to find the ‘core’ emotional bindings that dis-able, dis-empower and keep dis-cord rife. These are mainly emotional experiences behind physical, psychological or mental ailments. Through the use of the Whatumanawa, (the third eye) one is able to identify issues and bring about change as well as healing.
Taa Miri: is to read and listen to the body. This is mainly where we see the trauma trapped within the body. 
For example:
    Calves – primary relationships and heavy metals trapped in body and they sink
    Hip bones – imbalance of energy, male / female energy askew
    Upper arms – pain in this area lack of self nurturing

Romiromi: Use of elbows, hands, knees, feet, raakau (stick / wood), kohatu /toka (stones), moana (seawater), to do a very deep tissue body work.
All of the above in turn bring about TE REO – the voices of nature.

When Papa Joe began traveling the world, besides doing the healing work, he was on more of a mission. Unfortunately, I didn’t get to meet Papa Joe because he transitioned September 21, 2006. But today, there are Maori’s who still travel the world carrying on the traditions of the Maori Healing. They come at least yearly to the USA and other parts of the world where they are called. They have been coming to Topanga Canyon with Papa Joe for many years. Manu , Atarangi , and Anu worked and traveled with Papa Joe.

I also got to speak to Anu who also travels and works with Manu and Atarangi. He gave me a lot of insight into the Maori’s, and the pride of their traditions. But, I couldn’t photograph him because of his tribal face markings which were very beautiful. He said he would have to get permission from the Elders, and they were back home. Maybe next time?

Stay tuned for Part 2!

All love and eternal gratitude,

Isabelle Von Fallois Interview for YOU!

Greetings Angels,

HAPPY 10/10/10 Do you feel it? Feel a huge wave of energy, love and light!

It’s a time to celebrate and reclaim old wisdom’s and ancient rituals. Connect to the Earth, healing ourselves and abandoning  old modalities that simply do not work. I am talking about fear, isolation, greed, hate.

This journey is going to be nothing short of amazing! It’s going to be magical, miraculous and magnificent. Why? Because you showed up! Thank you! Because we are here together.

When we intention to manifest conscious awareness, collectively, we raise all of our vibrations energetically!

So let’s get started NOW!

It is my honor to be here with you.

It is with great pleasure to give you this interview with Isabelle Von Fallois.

Just click play to hear your interview! 🙂
To find out more please click on the Angel Portal to the right of the play button!


PS If you like what’s happening here, it would really help me out greatly if you would please share this link with all your friends and angels! Let’s build The Angel Tribe and send the Frequency of Angels EVERYWHERE!

The Barefoot Doctor

Greetings Angels,

It’s a stunningly gorgeous day in Malibu and another day closer to 10/10/10. In my last post I mentioned The Barefoot Doctor and told you I had some more free gifts for you! Well, let me introduce you to Stephen Russell.

Tomorrow is officially the launch of The Angel Frequency, so I really hope you will find a moment to come by and say hello! As well, get your free amazing interview.

In the meantime, I have more free gifts for you!

One of the things I really love about this journey, is not only sharing with you, but how FUN it is. I get to explore so many resources and meet so many people on course with the evolution of consciousness.  Devoted to health, healing, wellness, holism! Healing others and helping others to heal themselves.

Of course, some people are here to find ways to explore paths to wellness while facing some serious challenges.  This is certainly serious. Especially if  dealing with something difficult. I am not making light of this at all. But, our true nature is love, and love feels good! I  believe that dis-ease, is the journey that challenges us only to push us back onto this path. A path where there is joy and certainty about who we really are. Pure love energy.

The Barefoot Doctor has been on this journey for many years, and is widely respected throughout Europe. He has been on the forefront and one of the pioneers in Energy Healing for the past two decades! The author of 13 bestselling books, he has devoted his life to interpreting, simplifying, and sharing the Taoist system of medicine, martial arts, meditation, and creativity.

Stephen will be joining us soon for an exclusive interview next month. But in the meantime, he’s given me two special FUN meditations to share with you.

I feel joy magicbounce

Hope you enjoy Angels. Have a stellar weekend!

I hope to see you here tomorrow! If you want me to send you these MP3’s all you have to do is sign up, leave a comment letting me know what you think, and that you want me to mail you the mp3’s!




Greetings Angels, As many of you know, I lived in Ibiza for 5 years. It was an amazing journey and I know an important part of my Map that led me here to you NOW! 🙂  I feel so blessed to call it my second home.  Due to synchronicity and serendipitous events, I ended up spending a lot of time at Shunya Ibiza Retreat. (http://www.shunya-ibiza.com) Shunya is in the Northern part of the Island near one of my favorite beaches, Benniras.  It has a view of the Med and is surrounded by a beautiful forest and valley views. Sunsets are daily from the grand terrace overlooking the sea! It was there I became fast friends with the owners Karar and Sabera, who are an important part of my spiritual family. They welcomed me and introduced me to Tachyon. Shunya is the worlds leading Tachyon center for communication, rejuvenation, healing and contemplation. It is open to all ideas and pathways that connect and develop the world in a harmonious and peaceful way.


TACHYON was developed by an amazing quantum physicist called David Wagner who was able to heal himself from a terrible accident that would have put him in a wheelchair for life.

If you are interested in Tachyon all you have to do to find out more is click on this link!

TACHYON CRYSTAL positively reorganizes the subtle organizing energy fields around living organisms and promotes great health and EXTRAORDINARY recovery from so-called terminal illnesses. It is truly groundbreaking technology that connects us to the interface of the QUANTUM FIELD of no frequency. On a more practical day-to-day level the use of TACHYON has been proven to negate the harmful effects of leaking electromagnetic radio fields from such things as mobile phones, computers and other electrical appliances. I admit to loving modern technology…we currently have four working computers in our house…and I sit in front of my  Mac screen to do my work and play. Everyone I know comes into contact with electrical appliances on a daily basis, and most I know do admit that after a length of time they often feel drained, have a headache or suffer nausea.

WITH TACHYON THIS KNOW LONGER NEEDS TO HAPPEN-   Mobile phone companies won’t admit any liability, rather like cigarette companies for years because like with cigarettes they know the litigation claims will pour in. Rather than wait 30 years until the medical establishment proves the link between cell phones and illnesses PROTECT YOURSELF NOW! What I am interested in is introducing to people’s lives things that make them feel better, and that will help them heal any afflictions they may have. I became a certified Tachyon Practitioner and am very impressed with the work going on at Shunya. I am looking forward to presenting The Angel Frequency retreats there as soon as summer 2011

All love and eternal gratitude-

PS I’d love to hear from you!

Remember if you are interested in Tachyon all you have to do to find out more is click on this link!

Angel Healer- Isabelle Von Fallois and 10/10/10

Greetings Angels,

As 10/10/10 approaches, it’s quite apparent there will be a synergy happening. All over the world people are orchestrating events in consciousness. A lot of us are aware of what is going on. Time is speeding up, and we are all being called to action. A time when doing conscious work, whether for yourself or others is urgent and timely. It’s an exciting time, even if  it might look like a time of peril. I think what we focus on we attract into our lives. Here, we will focus on the incredible energy of love!

At 10am on 10/10/10  a lot of people will be gathered all over the world to create a mindful wave of peace to wash over the planet. I will be at

the Dream Shield event, and you can be with us from anywhere in the world as it will be covered at Broadcast Live Worldwide at 10AM and at various times of the day via http://dreamshield.org/)

I have my friends in Ibiza at The Buddha House holding another great event. For more details you can go to www.HealingIbiza.com

Buddha House Ibiza

How exciting to be involved! How exciting to have you here to share with me. As we band together, united, we will spread a strong message of love, light and healing, so needed as we transition to this next phase in our consciousness evolution.

Here on The Angel Frequency we will celebrate by bringing  you our first Energy Healer,  Isabelle von Fallois.

Isabelle Von Fallois

Her miraculous story will be here for you to hear on our official launch! It’s such an incredible tale and journey, I am very excited to share with you!

I got to meet Isabelle when I was in Ibiza, and we did a quick little video. Here’s a little glimpse of this beautiful Angel, I am so excited to introduce you!


Did I mention the free gift for you! I have a free guided meditation from Isabelle to send directly to you for your own personal experience with Isabelle. All you have to do is sign up here, so I can send it to you!

Much more to come Angels!

Thank you so much for being here with me!

All love and eternal gratitude-



Greetings Angels,

How’s your weekend going? I hope stellar! 🙂

As you know, this is my new site. So, as I am preparing for my exciting launch on 10/10/10 I am going to be giving away FREE, a lot of cool content just for you!

This just in!

My good friend and spiritual healer Jason Nelson, is partnering with the amazing International healer Eric Pearl. They are partnering for a special FREE teleseminar on “Bursting The Paradigm of Healing”

You can find out everything you need to know by clicking right here-


On this call you will learn:

· Facts and myths related to energy healing

· To reconnect to your own healing master

· Have a healing shift right now!

The event takes place 9/23/2010 and it’s FREE!
So please stay tuned for more as I am looking forward to working with Jason Nelson and more amazing healers, to bring to you here exclusively!
All love and eternal gratitude-

Previous Older Entries Next Newer Entries

I left The Healers Way and came here to continue the journey where that left off! :)
Information, research, interviews, webinars, teleseminars, and adventures with some of the worlds top healers, experts in health, nutrition rehab, wellness, higher consciousness development, holism, quantum physics, and energy healing!
Welcome to the journey!
